
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Polltics (The P Section)

I can not see anything but Mayavati and her statues. The future is here, everything is been made, invented and used by her. If something happens to the world and this generation is wiped-out, future generation will surely find nothing but her statues and thus will be considered as divine figure. I have changed my plans of buying a new car and instead investing in the having my own statue. It is upcoming market after infrastructure.

Our Prime Minister has just applied the globalization theory of his to our defense and recently invited our most beloved neighbor to come and check our strength by sending in more terrorists. And in addition he has also agreed to maintain the register of total terrorism across the border and their deed’s register and submit it to every meeting from now on, how generous.

It is sad what is happening in Australia. Some thing is wrong with that country, its worse then H1N1. As I strongly believe that physical death is better then mental torture and slavery. Guys / Girls we are children of Mahatma, and Students of “Gita”…..Truth wins…..and politics is meaning less to it.

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