
Sunday, April 19, 2009

1st Blog

Polltics (The P Section)

This is where stupidity and idiocracy meets the right profession. The more they shout the more right they are. I don’t understand why there are so many parties if they really want progress? Some of them can’t even walk and happens to be in race of PM. Thank god, humans found tobacco else who would have controlled their mouth. We have to vote in short time and this are some thoughts which will help future generations to make some necessary changes:

Instead of symbol put pictures of candidates…they are more unique
There should be button of ‘Reject All’
Welcome drink for each Voter
(Please Add your thoughts to continue this topic…)

Sicence & Tecnholgy

I respect these people. What?...yes I do. But can’t stop my self by expressing... The best inventors are always best lovers….else no inventions could have happened. (Try to consider me one of them). Last time I saw any technology related news was in my teens. After Ekta kapoor era there was no progress in science and tech or we never got the news. Best thing happened to our country is Sir Abdul Kalam. Else we would have been fighting with sticks and stones with our very friendly neighbours.

Recent development news of Nano is a proud and will make us most populated country in case of cars. (If you consider Nano as car). I am thinking of selling my Swift and buying 3-4 of them….Super smart. Smartness apart….its really a good CAR. My answer to people who say TATA wants to make money using emotional stories is at least they are giving something in return. Let me know your views on this…

(I will not tell why I put this in S&T section…don’t even ask…and it is not that I do not have anything to write)


Life is impossible without it and these days, it actually gives relief from lot of Bulls…everything in this world work on rhythm and it is the only thing which can not be misused if it ends on wrong hands.

Try Taylor Swift “Fearless”


The International:

A must watch movie with very good plot and screenplay. Casting is just great. Won’t tell more…just enjoy.

De Qoute

To those trying to save the planet:

“Do not try to save earth; it survived almost everything, better save humans...”

Shalin Shukla

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog,i'll enjoy.. being an active part...Good Shalin
