
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sicence & Tecnholgy

Humans have done it again. We are very courageous breed. We bring something and then we experiment with it and then when it goes out of control we try to kill it. I do not want to hurt anyone and I am not joking, but I see millions of dollars made.

•H1N1 pandemic.
•Cure “Tamiflu”.
•Company Roche.
•Country USA.
•No more explanations.

I pray to god that I am wrong and this is not what it seems. In any case this is some serious matter and we all know its just flu but we should also know that it is deadlier if medical attention is not given to patient. It is currently not in it’s fastest pace but it might pick-up in winter and so be ready to fight the second wave of this virus. It will try to evolve and be immune to the cure. Please visit following link for more info.

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