
Monday, March 29, 2010

So Yesterday - Hilary Duff

Movies 2010

The Book Of Eli

It started with the punch and ended the same way. Great effects and does not look unrealistic. It fits the scenes well. Some gore is there, but you have already seen it in 300 and it is delivered in same way over here, but less in quantity !!. Storyline is simply superb and Denzel Washington has delivered it very well and so as Mila Kunis. Casting is superb. It's nuclear fallout environment is made very realistic and in-detail. I am impressed with the wardrobes and yeah some details in it too. I won't tell about the storyline. A Must Watch Movie.

Ratings: 7.5 / 10

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Movies 2010


Let me tell you one thing, Bollywood is going good on Horrors. They have not mastered it but yes, they have improved a lot. No gore scenes, no vulgar scenes, good cast and good acting. Aditya has done job well and so as Shweta. Suspense is not much but the experience is thrilling. I like the ride, after 1920, this is second one I recommend  for all those horror fans out there. And yah, don't miss some interesting romantic moments in it :). Good watch.

Ratings: 6.5 / 10

Movies 2010

Up In The Air

George Clooney is simply great in the movie. Movie is off-beat but is right on the subject its targeted on. This is about America's current scenario and it touches to the life of millions. Casting is done pretty good and so as the story line. Movie has some of its own surprises and it shows the reality of daily life. Must watch for serious movie goers.

Ratings: 6.5 / 10

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Movies 2010

Atithi Tum Kab Jaoge

Oh boy, disaster strikes back. I was mood-less when I went for this movie and when I came out I felt that situation was better when I was outside (Actually that feeling started from interval). There are hardly few scenes which might make you think to laugh (You laugh or not is up to you) but I did not. Casting is poorly done and so as the script and story lineup. Not advisable to watch. (Again: best enjoyment for new born couples)

Ratings: 3 / 10

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Movies 2010

karthik calling karthik 

The beginning is good and so as somewhat the middle part, but the end is horrible and I really can not stand it. From the beginning I was having a feeling that director is digging a deep, very deep grave, and at last he falls in it. The only learning I got from this movie is our government is right, don't use Chinese phones. Good Movie though, but if you have missed it, no need to book specially. Watching on small screen is advisable with obviously less expanse.

Rating: 5.5 / 10

Movie 2010

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

I am not big fan of harry potter neither I have read many books and this is another with same test. But as I am human and I can see and hear things and as we have invented cinema, rest of the things humanity should leave on me, like reviews. I don't know what happens in the book, but it is surely not happening in the movie. It is lengthy and misses the action or adventure. Fights are small and quick and F/X is ok....

Rating: 4.5 / 10



I have seen shutter and so far this movie is not that impressive though. There where some scenes in shutter which were good and there is one scene in this movie which will really put you on edge of your seat. Somehow the movie lack the grip and many twist and turns shows that the story is been bundled together as the movie progresses. Once you know who is all behind the scary things you will get scare of director, that how could he even think about something, or is the need for horror was so much that you convert anyone in ghost. Not scary at all. Horror lovers its surely not for you. Boys who has new or fresh girlfriends, please enjoy the loneliness ;)

Rating: 3 / 10